Education and Experience

Wie all are walking through our life.  It is important to know the final destination.  Going forward and not back. Growing personally. Transmission of Experience.   Economics is a secondary science. Derivated from Philosophy.  Respect, Understanding, practical, theoretical and normative competence. Time is relative. We too. We have no pression and we work the detail. May we help you going forward? Can we make the difference? Contact us and we will soon see it.


School:  High School Graduation

1984 Economy High School Ulm/Germany


Studies: Business Management

1994: Graduation Diplomkaufmann Univ. (Master of Economics)
University of Erlangen-Nürnberg /Germany


International Air Transport Organisation (IATA)

Airport Station Management Certificate with distinction (in
English ) Geneva 2001


Finance & Accounting Management Certificate (in English)

Geneva 2007


United Federation of Travel Agents Associations (UFTAA)


Standard Air Ticketing Diplome (in Englisch) Geneva 1996


International Travel Consultant (in Englisch) Geneva 1997


Féderation Internationale des Associations des Transitaires et Assimilés(FIATA)


Air Cargo Basic Diplome (in Spanish) Montreal 2000


Air Cargo Rating Diplome (in English) Montreal 2003

At the Grande Anse Beach, Deshaies 2006
At the Grande Anse Beach, Deshaies 2006

Work Experience

The last three tasks: 
May 2007 - End of 2014  responsible for the Departement of Package Tour Operators, L3M Incoming, Paris


January 2015 - End of 2017 Purchase,  Key Account Series,Touren Service Schweda in Kehl / Germany

Since June 2018 Palatina Art & Culture Modern Study Tours, Travel Planning 

Travel Agency Management, Project Management (Chile), Consolidator, Hotel, Coach Operator


we will you inform you soon 

Tourismus Practice: official government travel guide  diplomas in France (guide interpréte régional) and Chile (CONAF), Instructor Diploma in Germany (IHK).


Name Roberto Positivoc/o Maison Jean Pierre 

Street Route de la Nouvelle Cité

City/ZIP F-97126 Deshaies, Guadeloupe


Telephone: 0049 16 36 26 55 51 

Telephone Guadeloupe: 0033 6 52 42 97 67


 Hintergrund  oben auf allen Seiten: Bucht von Deshaies (Robertopositivo RP); Strand von La Grande Anse Deshaies (RP); Insel bei Gosier,

Giraud 2006 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG; Strand von Bois Jolan bei Sainte Anne, Giraud 2005 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Yachten und Yachten mit Korossolblumen Comité Territorial du Tourisme de Saint Barthélemy; Wanderweg bei Goyave, Aurélien Brusini 2012, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Petite Terre, Nathalie Bordy, Mairie de la Désirade; weitere Bilder privat 

Kontakt: Robert Erdt, Portable Guadeloupe 06 52 42 97 67 

Deutschland Tel. 0049 1578 034 1118

c/o Maison Jean-Pierre, route de la nouvelle Cité, F-97126 Deshaies, Guadeloupe Mail: