Lonely islands in the Caribbean Sea

Petite Terre was inhabited until the seventies. Today, only the rangers of the national park administration are allowed to spend the night there. Only pre-registered boats can to visit the islands and also only a limited number of tourists per day. It is also not possible to anchor everywhere. A visit to this natural paradise is definitely worthwhile. Full and half day excursions can be booked from Saint Francois. Boat charters are also possible - we will be happy to advise you. If you are sensitive to swell, you should book a larger boat.

 Hintergrund  oben auf allen Seiten: Bucht von Deshaies (Robertopositivo RP); Strand von La Grande Anse Deshaies (RP); Insel bei Gosier,

Giraud 2006 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG; Strand von Bois Jolan bei Sainte Anne, Giraud 2005 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Yachten und Yachten mit Korossolblumen Comité Territorial du Tourisme de Saint Barthélemy; Wanderweg bei Goyave, Aurélien Brusini 2012, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Petite Terre, Nathalie Bordy, Mairie de la Désirade; weitere Bilder privat 

Kontakt: Robert Erdt, Portable Guadeloupe 06 52 42 97 67 

Deutschland Tel. 0049 1578 034 1118

c/o Maison Jean-Pierre, route de la nouvelle Cité, F-97126 Deshaies, Guadeloupe Mail: service@robert-erdt.com