On new paths in Grande Terre

The search for new filming locations began in the second season. Larger hotel complexes are rare on the mountainous part of the island, as are gourmet restaurants. The traffic jams in the urbanisation zone of Pointe-à-Pitre are really annoying and the drive from Sainte Rose to Gosier is not really one of the most beautiful panoramic routes. However, as filming always starts very early anyway, the actors have already driven past by this time. In the south of Grande Terre, with its well-known seaside resorts of Gosier, Sainte-Anne and Saint Francois, filming took place in almost every season, while the less well-known west coast had to wait almost 10 years before it was considered. But Sergeant Naomi Thomas wasn't there from the start either. 

The Hotel Fort Royal is one of the most frequent filming locations in the series. It is marketed by the hotel chain Des hôtels et des îles. This small Caribbean brand also owns two larger hotels on Grande Terre, which also appear in the series. It is astonishing that the ‘Maison Zevallos’ has not yet been filmed, as this ‘haunted’ colonial house is one of the highlights of Guadeloupe's iron construction style. In Port Louis, where the Plage du Souffleur is located, the 12th season of the series Saint Barnabas was filmed.

Pointe-à-Pitre © Guillaume Aricique, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG
Pointe-à-Pitre © Guillaume Aricique, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG

Dwayne Myers und Marlon Price sind im Weihnachtsspecial  der 11. Staffel auf der Suche nach Zelda Moncrief. Bei tropischem Unwetter in der Fußgängerzone und am Hafen von Pointe-à-Pitre war das ganze  recht stressig. Kurze Zeit später konnte die Dame, nach einem von den Beamten nicht angenommen Cocktailangebot, dennoch per Zufall verhaftet werden und nach Sainte Marie zurückgebracht werden. 

Marina Bas-du-Fort © Guillaume Aricique, 2021, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG
Marina Bas-du-Fort © Guillaume Aricique, 2021, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG

Dwayne Myers and Marlon Price are on the search for Zelda Moncrief in the Christmas special of season 11. With a tropical storm in the pedestrian zone and at the harbour of Pointe-à-Pitre, the whole thing was quite stressful. A short time later, the lady was arrested by chance and brought back to Sainte Marie after a cocktail offer was not accepted by the officers. 

La Toubana & Spa, Bungalow Perroval © des Hôtels et des Îles
La Toubana & Spa, Bungalow Perroval © des Hôtels et des Îles

This is where John Green, alias Marcus Knight, stays in episode 5 of season 5. Freddy from reception overhears a conversation in the next room and steals John Green's wallet. Marcus Knight, who has just been released from prison, falls from the balcony. 

 Hintergrund  oben auf allen Seiten: Bucht von Deshaies (Robertopositivo RP); Strand von La Grande Anse Deshaies (RP); Insel bei Gosier,

Giraud 2006 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG; Strand von Bois Jolan bei Sainte Anne, Giraud 2005 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Yachten und Yachten mit Korossolblumen Comité Territorial du Tourisme de Saint Barthélemy; Wanderweg bei Goyave, Aurélien Brusini 2012, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Petite Terre, Nathalie Bordy, Mairie de la Désirade; weitere Bilder privat 

Kontakt: Robert Erdt, Portable Guadeloupe 06 52 42 97 67 

Deutschland Tel. 0049 1578 034 1118

c/o Maison Jean-Pierre, route de la nouvelle Cité, F-97126 Deshaies, Guadeloupe Mail: service@robert-erdt.com