Handling & destination knowledge

We are within the islands very well connected. Guadeloupe is our home. If we don't know something, we research it.  We communicate in the local language, with the airline as well as the travel terminology and manage the balancing act with the local partners.  We optimise logistics, prices, quality and eliminate friction points in the travel processes as far as possible.

A large part of the travel success is decided in the processing. It is wrong to delegate this to the "trainee's assistant" or to young professionals, who are often called "junior product managers" and are at the bottom of the hierarchy. The talents are different and one anticipates well in purchasing, the other in processing. Which service providers are booked for which customers? What problems can arise at which airports (e.g. checking through luggage)? How can the daily schedule be optimised in such a way that congestion and waiting times are minimised? We keep a watchful eye on your reservations and defend your interests.

 Hintergrund  oben auf allen Seiten: Bucht von Deshaies (Robertopositivo RP); Strand von La Grande Anse Deshaies (RP); Insel bei Gosier,

Giraud 2006 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe CTIG; Strand von Bois Jolan bei Sainte Anne, Giraud 2005 Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Yachten und Yachten mit Korossolblumen Comité Territorial du Tourisme de Saint Barthélemy; Wanderweg bei Goyave, Aurélien Brusini 2012, Comité du Tourisme des Îles de la Guadeloupe; Petite Terre, Nathalie Bordy, Mairie de la Désirade; weitere Bilder privat 

Kontakt: Robert Erdt, Portable Guadeloupe 06 52 42 97 67 

Deutschland Tel. 0049 1578 034 1118

c/o Maison Jean-Pierre, route de la nouvelle Cité, F-97126 Deshaies, Guadeloupe Mail: service@robert-erdt.com